TA的每日心情 | 开心 2023-4-24 09:21 |
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此次年会有很多热心的企业参与进来,感谢大家对我们的支持!. G. [1 U6 Q0 A) @
3 j7 \( Z) W! x 常州吉尼奥机械有限公司的刘总就是这样一个热心人,自从我们的第一届的嘉兴坛友聚会,一直陪伴论坛经过历次年会,论坛没有为他创造多少价值,但刘总一直支持着论坛建设,让我们由衷的感谢!6 b: _$ E E( _. v$ P: p# I# j+ \
) g' U1 A' E; v+ J" y; f4 ?* _+ u) V# P' a$ M
2 E& J% S2 p6 K4 _公司采用硅溶胶铸造工艺专业生产各种不锈钢、碳钢、合金钢、球铁(ADI)等精密铸件。主要产品有泵壳、叶轮、阀体,汽车零配件,纺织机械产品等。
6 Q; E, f3 ^- c* O8 @+ Y, X目前员工有70人,其中质量技术管理人员12人。公司检测设备齐全,技术力量雄厚。
0 k; b4 p1 _* Q" v“诚信为本,质量为魂”是我公司的经营宗旨,“正直诚实、勤奋乐观、务实协作、求精创新”是我公司的核心价值观。& L; @6 y9 D7 B1 a v; f9 I
1 i$ t1 t7 t# g2 ~Company Profile! }3 z4 ]" c4 z: N- F: |
Genial Machinery Co., Ltd.Changzhou was established in 2010,located in beautiful Lotus XiLiuTang Industrial Park,near the high speed railway from Shanghai to Beijing, specialized in all kinds of precision casting and machining.% E- U; [, ?- G; x: U
The company use Silicon Sol Casting Process in the production of various stainless steel, carbon steel, alloy steel, ductile iron (ADI) and other precision casting. Main products includes pump body, impeller,valve casting,auto parts, textile machinery products, etc.. Y' \5 z* Y9 V+ T/ G: W! {
Now we have 70 employees, among them , 12 person are technical managers . Our company has strong technical force with varied kinds of testing facilities.
8 A/ k) w# S" o+ |5 }"Honesty as soil, quality as soul" is our management philosophy, "honesty, diligence, optimism, cooperation, innovation" are our core values.8 y/ F; o8 A& H" }+ ~* @! b
Changzhou Genial sincerely welcome you to visit us and make further cooperations. ' U" R( N9 h8 n
w/ o2 s, c$ H8 _5 x0 k3 G, [
! g- a( X: X# D; T/ k2 {公司网址:http://www.genial-machinery.com/8 s0 Z1 L6 C# y8 X2 h8 _2 }
# G$ Y6 X( u4 ^0 U * w( `2 a, M& e3 N/ Q- W
论坛企业宣传:http://www.rjghome.com/viewthread.php?tid=72944&extra=page%3D1/ C6 ~; O, M8 V2 l* G1 I4 S
7 Y8 \. J) U- F& u
# u/ y1 W4 n1 u+ M. B# F