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  • TA的每日心情
    2016-7-2 10:23
  • 签到天数: 7 天

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    发表于 2016-7-2 10:32:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    • 价格:700原价:700元
    • 库存:20
    • 类型:铸钢件/铸铁件/特种铸件/有色铸件
    • 运费:包邮
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    • 所在地:河北省泊头市交河西开发区




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    研磨平台  用于量具的制造、修理, 制件研磨,高精度机械零件制作,光学仪器的加工。
    Lapping Surface Plate is mainly used for manufacturing and repairing measuring tools; grinding and producing machinery parts; manufacturing optical instruments.

      研磨平板 特性:
    Features of  Lapping Surface Plate:
    Easy and quick in embedding emery, which can ensure the surface is embedded with sufficient amount of emery and can be easily embedded the same type emery powder after using and smooth finish will be significant improved after further grinding.
    Easy to achieve high degree of finish and grinding property that required by gauge block.
    The surface plate is featured with good and persistent machinability and has a long service life.

    Lapping Method.

    Lapping finish is a precision machining process, in which a thin layer will be removed from the working surface of the cast iron plate by using grinding tools and abrasives. According to the process method, lapping method can be divided into wet lapping, dry lapping and semi-dry lapping. Dry lapping, also know as embedded emery lapping, is the common used finishing method for cast iron surface plate.

    Three-piece Lapping Technique:
    This type of lapping, involves three lapping plates, in which the three plates are supposed to lapping mutually in proper order and each plate to be lapped at the bottom position just for two times. So the total lapping times is 6.  This type of lapping can ensure all the three plates achieve  good flatness and similar sand embedded effect. But it always take a long lapping time and much more cost.

    Two-piece Lapping Technique:

    This type of lapping just require two plates to grind mutually. Embedded sand by this method will ensure the flatness of these two plates are coincided. The flatness and embedded sand effect of  lower plate are better than the upper one. So we just use the lower plate.
    So mutually lapping in three plates is the common used lapping method for Lapping Surface Plate. But if only one piece of non-standard custom-made Lapping surface plate is required.   Two Piece Lapping Technique will be chosen, in order to reduce the cost.

    Material selection:

    The hardness of the lapping plate should be slightly lower than the workpiece to ensure the sand more easily embed to the lapping plate instead of the workpiece, in order to conduct micro cutting on the surface of the workpiece. But if the work surface of the lapping plate is too soft, the all abrasive will embed to the working surface, which will cause the lapping plate lose the grinding function. So close-grained and abrasive resistance material shall be used, to ensure the machined worpiece can achieve high precision size, shape and fine surface roughness. Except for the common used material( gray cast iron, ductile cast iron,), mild steel, copper, babbitt, and lead are also can be used for making lapping plate.

    Technology of making lapping plate:
    Cast Iron Lapping Plate has same structure with the inspection plate, which divide to rib type and box type. The material is the high-strength cast iron HT 200-HT 300. The accuracy of the cast iron plate directly affect the quality of the inspected workpiece,.

    Lapping Surface Plate adopts three-piece lapping, In which process, three approximately flat surfaces are progressively refined to precise flatness by manual rubbing against each other in pairs with coloring matter in between then hand scraping off the high points. Any errors of flatness are removed by this scraping, since the only stable, mutually conjugate surface shape is a plane.

  • TA的每日心情
    2017-12-8 12:22
  • 签到天数: 23 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2017-10-18 10:42:35 | 显示全部楼层
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