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发表于 2009-1-13 12:00:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Congressman Eric Massa of NY tried to drive a fuel cell car from NY to DC to make an environmental point and to show how great fuel cell cars are. He failed at both.
Representative Massa made the 300 mile NY to DC trip in a car that has a maximum range of 200 miles. How? By enlisting the help of two SUVs to tow two fuel cell cars while not in use.
Massa drove one fuel cell car while a hybrid SUV [Chevy Tahoe] towing an additional SUV followed along. Once he got half way, he switched to new fuel cell car [which I assume was towed to the half way point sometime earlier so that it would be waiting for the environmentally-conscious congressman]. The empty fuel cell was then towed back by the first SUV. As he continued on his journey, the second SUV followed. Once Massa arrived in DC, the second SUV then towed the second fuel cell car back to NY.

So basically, one SUV traveled 400 miles and one SUV traveled 600 miles for a total of 1000 miles on a 300 mile trip. That's not even counting the mileage on the fuel cell car. Nice work there Captain Planet.
[Famous DC via Boing Boing]

[ 本帖最后由 qinsdau 于 2009-1-13 12:51 编辑 ]


 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-14 16:40:02 | 显示全部楼层
Congressman’s Inefficient Fuel Cell Journey Was Intentional?


There’s a lot of controversy and displeasure online right now regarding freshman Congressman Eric Massa’s fuel cell journey from NY to Washington, DC. The trip is roughly 300 miles — but the General Motors Equinox fuel cell SUV he took could only achieve a maximum range of 200 miles. What did he do? Famous DC lays out the details:
Massa drove one fuel cell car while a hybrid SUV [Chevy Tahoe] towing an additional SUV followed along. Once he got half way, he switched to new fuel cell car [which I assume was towed to the half way point sometime earlier so that it would be waiting for the environmentally-conscious congressman]. The empty fuel cell was then towed back by the first SUV. As he continued on his journey, the second SUV followed. Once Massa arrived in DC, the second SUV then towed the second fuel cell car back to NY.
Of course, if Massa was simply trying to promote the cars this way — then it was an epic fail. However, his entourage of inefficiency was apparently intentional. “This absolutely was intended to raise awareness,” he told the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. “One of the things we wanted to point out is, we believe a lot of the infrastructure money that’s going to be spent needs to be spent to build infrastructure for systems like hydrogen fuel cars, so you can stop and fill your tank on the way to D.C.,” Smith said. “This was totally designed to raise awareness of the issue. The big point was to draw attention to this technology of the future and say we need to build the infrastructure to support it.”
I guess that’s one way to prove your point — but it looks like some media outlets didn’t get that memo. Perhaps some better promotion next time?
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