TA的每日心情 | 奋斗 2016-6-2 12:19 |
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摘 要:主要综述了采用钨极氩弧焊、激光焊、钎焊与粉末冶金修复再制造等焊接方式进行高温合金精铸件的补焊的研究现状及发展趋势。总结了采用不同补焊方法时焊接工艺对焊接性能的影响。指出了今后铸造高温合金精铸件的补焊的研究方向。
The current research situation and the development trend of the repairing-welding on the precision casting parts of superalloy are reviewed, which is often achieved in the methods of tungsten argon arc welding, laser welding, and braze welding, etc. The effects of technology on the welding performance are summarized, which vary owing to different welding methods. Furthermore, the research orientation of using repairing-welding in precision casting parts of superalloy is put forward. |